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About GFI

Grand Fitness Icons


The Grand Fitness Icons: Meet the Masters - International Awards, Conference & Exposition

Inspired by his dynamic vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, the ‘Grand Fitness Icons: Meet the Masters’ - International Conference and Exposition is being organized by Jeevan Jyoti Enterprises in association with Maharishi Vashistha Yog Sansthan from March 29 to 31, 2024 at Hall No. 11, Near To Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India.

The main focus of the event is to create awareness amongst people about the importance of Health and Fitness in daily life. It is also an initiative to support the various programs of Center & State Governments on the master scale in the area of health, fitness and family welfare, prevention and control of major diseases as well as promoting India’s ancient wisdom of yoga, ayurvedic and other unique therapies. It aims to provide an ideal platform to all stakeholders and brands who play a vital role in success of fitness and health programs, R&D, medical education, regulations, etc.

The event is being hosted with support Centre/ State bodies, Departments, apex bodies from the wellness, fitness and beauty sector. It is also a tribute to all great Yogacharyas, Fitness and Wellness Masters. It is an event of “Power Brands” and great masters who have been keeping India’s flag flying high to make the country a ‘Soft Power’ in the world. Connecting them with global clients, the event aims to highlight India’s potential in AYUSH sector as well as in sports and fitness industry. It promotes ancient Indian wisdom of alternative therapies for providing solutions to modern maladies, especially when the new generation is drifting away from the three-fold development i.e. Physical, Mental and Spiritual Fitness due to digital intervention. The event aims to promote the professionals who believe that the true life can be achieved beyond medicines. It is an event to identify, recognize and highlight ‘Icon’ to inspire many new aspirants. The event does not just a major projection of people and products but also it features the contemporary fitness, wellness and trends and techniques.

Fitness Icons help us to redesign our lives and change our limiting beliefs. They can transform a normal person into an enlightened soul. The Icons are not always born, but they become Icons due to their unparallel determination, grit and fighting against all odds. They live in the present and exhibit new innovation, professionalism and commitment. They provide force, vitality, health, ideas, dynamism and confidence. Due to growing global acceptability of ancient Indian culture and wisdom. India strives to become a global leader. There is an urgent need to prepare a Skilled Task Force as well as create a confluence of right experts for national and international assignments.

Fitness does not mean good health alone, It is far beyond, Overall physical, mental and Spiritual Fitness means- ability to concentrate, to reason, to visualize, to imagines, to make decision for right action to solve problems and think positively, clearly and creatively. It is rightly said, “Strength body and mind is exercise, not rest.” Grand Fitness Icons are extraordinary people on this green planet who can flex their mental muscles in different ways depending on the needs at hand. They can balance several factors together and get lots of elegant solutions to the challenge and modern maladies. There are different four basic qualities that characterize a fit mind and body. These are Mental & Physical Strength, Flexibility, Endurance and Coordination. Fitness co exist with beauty, Age is just a number.

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